
Pasadena : Environmental Report Rules

Developers will no longer be able to choose their own consultants to prepare environmental impact reports for proposed developments under changes approved last week by the Board of Directors.

Under the new procedures, developers will receive an Environmental Assessment Form to be used by city staff members, in combination with an on-site visit, to determine if an environmental impact report is needed.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Oct. 25, 1990 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday October 25, 1990 Home Edition San Gabriel Valley Part J Page 2 Column 5 Zones Desk 2 inches; 49 words Type of Material: Correction
Consultants--A new rule approved by the Pasadena Board of Directors on environmental impact reports for proposed developments was reported incorrectly Sunday. Rather than having developers choose consultants from a city list, the new rule requires the city to contract directly with the consultants, with the developer reimbursing the city.

If a report is needed, the developer will select a consultant from among a list maintained by the city. In addition, all of the work must be completed within six months, as specified by the Growth Management Initiative.


Developers will also be assessed new fees of $557 for projects requiring environmental review and $104 for those not requiring review.
