
Two Votes Against Measure M

The Times has again editorialized in favor of Measure M, which would add a half-cent sales tax in Orange County for transportation.

I voted against Measure M when it was on the ballot last time, as did the majority of the voters. I did not vote against it because I oppose a tax increase. I, and I believe most voters have the same feelings, would gladly pay more sales tax if I believed traffic would be alleviated.

Rather, it was apparent from the overwhelming support given the “Yes on M” campaign by developers and other real estate special interests that the focal point of Measure M was not to reduce or alleviate traffic, but rather to build more streets and highways to foster more development.


Measure M is fundamentally unchanged as to that essential flaw. It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing for more development, more traffic, more congestion and more smog.

The defeat of Measure M and the impending recession’s impact on further development will probably do more to alleviate traffic than can ever be expected from our county’s feckless political leadership, which has never been able to intelligently control or guide development.

