
Curing the Health System’s Ills

Re “It’s Time to Get Serious About Curing the Health System’s Ills” (Commentary, Oct. 7): We cannot wait for Sacramento or Washington to reform our health system--we must start on this task ourselves, as we have done in Orange County.

Business and health-care groups are working to resolve the crisis in trauma care--a microcosm of the ills of uncompensated care--lower the costs of uncompensated care, and ultimately prevent most injury before it occurs.

The key to success is cooperation and the recognition that we need to fix these problems ourselves. The American Trauma 2000 Council is supported by our trauma centers, hospitals, physicians and a fast-growing segment of the business community.


We recognize that broad involvement is critical to reducing not only the costs, but also the terrible physical and emotional toll of injury. We want a community that can afford to provide health care and is safe for all our families, friends and co-workers.

The American Trauma 2000 Council, sponsored by the Orange County Trauma Society, deserves support from the community. Once proven, this approach can be applied to other health services as well, and its success will be a tribute to all those who got involved.

DR. JOHN WEST, Chairman of the Board and Founder, Orange County Trauma Society
