
Beer Ban at Coliseum

Now let me see if I have this correct. One drunk fan is attacked by another drunk fan--a serious incident, no argument. Then Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky and Supervisor Mike Antonovich, being the self-righteous politicians they are, voice their outrage concerning ugly, brutal Raiders fans! All 50,000 of us. Yes, we Raiders fans are fanatical about our team, but criminals? Be serious!

How interesting life is when every day people die in the inner city from drive-by shootings. Where are Yaroslavsky and Antonovich then? Where is the dramatic action then? Could it be these two politicians are just trying to divert public attention away from their own miserable failings in dealing with real social and economic problems?

I suggest that Raiders fans refrain from buying any food and drink from Coliseum concessionaires, then let these two hatchet men explain the loss of revenue to the people of Los Angeles.



