

It was almost eight years ago when Garcia Marquez won the Noble prize in literature. That was a celebration of hope and pride in Colombia, a country better known for its violence and its cartels.

I still believe, as many Colombians do, that Gabo is one of the greatest writers of all times, but what we don’t understand as Colombians is his obsession to defend and support an obsolete revolution. He prefers to share his knowledge and wisdom in Cuban universities than to spend time in Colombia, where lots of kids take him as a real hero to tell the world in his unique way the wondrous stores of a place covered by centuries of solitude and contradictions. This is the place that inspired him, so the least he can do is to go back to Colombia and support our brand-new school of cinematography. There are a lot of talented people there willing to listen to him with great attention, as I bet they do in Cuba, about his techniques in screen writing.


Culver City
