
TODAY’S NEWS, TOMORROW’S TELEVISION : Heston as Holmes, again; KCET shoots for the sky with ‘Astronomers’ series



Charlton Heston is heading to London to play Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s mastersleuth, Sherlock Holmes, in the TNT production “Crucifer of Blood.” The thrilleris set to air in August. Based on the play by Paul Giovanni, “Crucifer” iswritten, produced and directed by Heston’s son, Fraser. The two previouslyworked together on TNT’s production of “Treasure Island.”

A decade ago, Heston starred as Holmes in “Crucifer of Blood” at Los Angeles’Ahmanson Theater. Jeremy Brett, who stars as Holmes on PBS’ “Mystery!” series,played his Dr. Watson.

Meredith Baxter-Birney, Christopher Reeve and Wings Hauser are filming the CBSmovie “Bump in the Night” in Pittsburgh, Pa.


Baxter-Birney plays a former investigative reporter who must battle the effectsof alcohol withdrawal while trying to rescue her kidnaped young son. The filmwill be telecast at a later date. SERIES

ABC’s sitcom “Full House” recently filmed a segment to be aired in November atthe main showroom of the Las Vegas Hilton.

The episode, “Viva Las Joey,” features regular David Coulier as a stand-up comicmaking his Las Vegas debut as a special guest of Hilton headliner Wayne Newton.


KCET just wrapped production on “The Astronomers,” a six-part series that willair on PBS next April. Numerous scientists, research institutes and technicianswho are updating current knowledge of the universe contributed to the series.”The Astronomers” was shot in the United States, England, Italy, France, Chile,Japan and the Soviet Union. SOAPS

Veteran actress Janis Paige, who starred on Broadway in “The Pajama Game” and insuch films as “Please Don’t Eat the Daisies” and “Silk Stockings,” has joinedthe cast of NBC’s Emmy Award-winning soap “Santa Barbara.”

Paige is playing the role of Minx Lockridge, the matriarch of the Lockridgeclan, who returns to Santa Barbara to get her renegade son Lionel ready tobattle C.C. Capwell to regain the Lockridge estate.


Speaking of “Santa Barbara,” word has it that John Conboy, who became the show’sexecutive producer earlier this year, may be leaving and will be replaced byGloria Monty, the producer who resuscitated “General Hospital” and made it oneof the top daytime dramas.

And actor Terry Lester, who left CBS’ “The Young and the Restless” afternumerous seasons to join “Santa Barbara” as Mason Capwell, also may be movingon. Rumor has it that Lester hasnUt been pleased with his storylines.

Jean LeClerc, who portrays artist Jeremy Hunter on ABC’s “All My Children,” haslong been active in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as its National Fund-RaisingChairperson. Through his work, he became friends with former poster child andaspiring actor Mica Doyle. LeClerc recommended Doyle to the series’ producersand the 14-year-old makes his professional acting debut on “AMC” this Tuesday at11 a.m. as a customer at a restaurant. SPECIALS

Debbie Allen, Natalie Cole, Dance Theatre of Harlem, The Four Tops, SmokeyRobinson, The Temptations and Patti LaBelle are scheduled to perform on “Motown30: What’s Goin’ On,” a two-hour CBS special celebrating the Motown Sound. Thespecial will be taped live Monday at the Pantages Theatre for broadcast inNovember.

Get out your white suits and polish your disco shoes. VH-1 pays tribute to those”Stayin’ Alive” guys, the Bee Gees, Nov. 11 at 4 a.m. and continuing until 2a.m. the next day. The programming will feature “The Bee Gees Live in AustraliaConcert” as well as such video hits as “Gotta Get a Message” and “How Deep isYour Love?”
