

Here are the responses to the Sept. 30 question: What did you think of the season’s first episode of ‘Twin Peaks’?

I am obsessed with “Twin Peaks.” I think it is the best series there ever was in the world. All the actors are wonderful and exciting. The show is soooooooo exciting, and you always are never sure who the killer is. I hope the series never ends. Agent Cooper is the prize of the show. He’s wonderful. “Twin Peaks” should go all the way.

Erin Evarts, Camarillo

Sorry to say I was very disappointed in the season debut of “Twin Peaks.” I thought it was very boring; in fact I fell asleep. “Twin Peaks” started out very good but got too involved and too complicated to keep up with the plot. So, I give up.


Gail V. Schmitt, Costa Mesa

I am obsessed with ABC’s mystery series “Twin Peaks.” I think and dream “Twin Peaks.” I drive my parents crazy with ‘Peaks talk. After watching Sunday’s season opener, I was even more in awe! This brilliant (David) Lynch series is full of fabulous acting, fabulous directing and fabulous writing.(I guess I would say it’s fabulous.) As a “Twin Peaks” fan, I just want to say keep up the good work and Agent Cooper, stay strange.

Jessica L. Rosenthal, Agoura Hills

I suppose I, like a lot of people, have a “love-hate” relationship with “Twin Peaks.” Immediately after the two-hour premiere was over, I proclaimed that I was finished watching “Twin Peaks” forever. The producers had strung me along for another two hours, and thrown in some disturbing gratuitous weirdness that is becoming older by the minute.

But the real problem is that after a sleepless night filled with thoughts of Bob, smiling bags and mysterious giants, I found myself ready to go through it again.


There is something addictive about “Twin Peaks.” No matter how frightening it is or how frustrating its vague answers are, the viewer feels that he must go back to “Twin Peaks” again.

And yes--I’ll be there next Saturday night, and the next--to go through the whole cycle all over once more.

Lauren Walden, Orange

“Twin Peaks” grabs my attention, it compares to no other show on TV. Forget about who killed Laura Palmer. If they don’t tell us soon, we’re going to forget about her. Besides, there’s so much more going on to keep us busy.


Glady Mills, Northridge

I was satisfied with the season premiere of “Twin Peaks.” As usual, Agent Cooper was the highlight of the show. It was especially nice to see Albert Rosenfield again. That dim-witted butler who served Cooper’s warm milk got on my nerves. Good job, Lynch and Frost.

Tommy Jung, Cypress

“Twin Peaks” continues to be a real thriller--a production which keeps you on the edge of your seat. I actually almost jumped out of mine Sunday night.

Charra de Marco, Irvine
