
Detective’s Death and Gun Control

The Times never ceases to amaze me with its vulture-like pouncing on any handgun related death to revitalize the campaign for gun control. The most recent incident being the sad death of off-duty Detective Kuster.

With the relentless use of exaggeration, you ask how Kuster’s assailant could have gotten a “9-millimeter pistol so sophisticated that it had a laser beam to illuminate its target.” Even the cheapest weapon can be equipped with a laser sight. It’s the sight--not the weapon itself--that is sophisticated. Will you next ask that laser sights be outlawed?

It pains me, as a reserve police officer, to hear of any police officer being gunned down. However, your misdirected crusade for stricter gun-control laws should not use anybody’s death for its benefit.


Guns are a part of America that will never disappear. And, any gun-control law is useless. As long as someone wants to get his hands on a handgun, he will find a way. The only way to stop this madness is in the court system! When we can get our judges to impose tough sentences, we can keep these madmen in jail. When our prosectors stop plea bargaining the felonies criminals are charged with down to misdemeanors, background checks will keep them from buying handguns legally.

