
California Girls

I am a Marine currently deployed in the Persian Gulf. First, let me say that all the support that we have received from everyone at home is outstanding! Every letter written reaches a Marine, soldier or sailor who is lonely and far from home, and shows him or her that someone cares.

One of our major problems during our off-time is boredom. Invariably, talk turns to home. Then the competition factor sets in. Friendly arguments become loud arguments. The most popular subject, by far, is women, and this always leads to the question “where do the best looking women come from?” As a native Californian, stationed at El Toro for most of the year, I have maintained that the best-looking women in the world are all from California. However, those poor souls who are not lucky enough to have seen for themselves keep asking for proof. Thus I come to you for help. Photos, to be exact. The more that I, and the other Marines I work with receive, the higher our morale will get. Any help (letters or photos) can be sent to the following address: HQ 3rd MAW G-2, FPO San Francisco, CA 96608-6001.

CPL. J.L. WOLFF, FPO San Francisco
