
‘Rocky Horror’ Party Turns On the Fans

The Scene: Fifteenth-anniversary bash for the camp, cult midnight show and audience participation classic “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” the only film in which sitting in your seat and not talking back to the screen is considered poor taste. Hundreds of “Rocky” fans made a pilgrimage to sound stage 14 at 20th Century Fox studios Saturday night for a party, live performances, appearances by the film’s stars, and, of course, a midnight showing of the film.

The Buzz: Rocky-ites were thrilled that so many of the original stars from the film showed up, although some were disappointed that Susan Sarandon (Janet) didn’t show. (Publicity types said the actress wasn’t feeling well.)

Who Was There: The film’s stars Tim Curry (Dr. Frank N Furter); Barry Bostwick (Brad Majors); Richard O’Brien (Riff Raff and also creator of the original musical play and co-author of the screenplay); Patricia Quinn (Magenta); Nell Campbell (Columbia) and Meatloaf (Eddie); plus Kyle MacLachlan with Lara Flynn Boyle, Slim Jim Phantom, Tim Burton, Kim Cattrall and “Rocky” devotees from all across the United States, Canada and Australia.


Dress Mode: The come-as-your-favorite-character dress code resulted in some interesting get-ups, including Frank N Furters in merry widows, garters, fishnet stockings, platform shoes and troweled-on makeup; Rockies in blond wigs and gold lame bikini briefs; Riff Raffs in skull caps and humps; and prim Janets in little suits and hats.

Chow: Frankfurters, popcorn, soft drinks and ice cream bars. No one seemed to mind the lack of any item from the four basic food groups.

Quoted: “We all loved the picture,” said Bostwick, who likened the film after all these years to “the motion picture of Dorian Gray. We all knew we were making something special. We love the kids who see it and do it every Saturday night.”


Entertainment: Before the movie, “Rocky” fans milled about on the lot having pictures taken, getting fake tattoos, placing items into a time capsule and doing impromptu lip-synching performances. Performing on stage were Richard O’Brien, Meatloaf, Nell Campbell and Patricia Quinn.

The Reality Check, Please: Tim Curry found the scene “peculiar.” Was he referring to the hundreds of people for whom “Rocky Horror” had become an enormous part of their lives, to the point of alienating family and friends? “No, that’s sort of rather moving,” he said. “I just didn’t think this was going to be such an event.”
