
State’s Economy

In response to “Can State No Longer Compete?” front page, Oct. 7:

Your article begins, “A soy sauce maker quits Los Angeles County and opens up shop in Nevada. A Glendale fiber company shutters a 40-year-old factory and heads for Colorado. An Orange County auto parts firms plans it future over the border in Arizona.”

Wonderful! We need to thin out the population in Southern California. The idea that we must continue to expand, come hell or high water, will destroy us. The fact that some small and large businesses move out of the state is not the harbinger of doom for the state’s economy. People will continue to come to the Southland in droves, and people will go into business to serve them.

The problems arise from the need to provide the services and infrastructure to serve those who are here and those who are to come. That is going to cost money, and we cannot continue to amass bonded debt in this state without increasing taxes to “pay as we go” and try to retire the debt. Stop! Tax and spend, don’t borrow and spend.


BRYAN W. STEVENS, Rolling Hills Estates
