
FOUNTAIN VALLEY : Car Ordinance Gets Initial Approval

The City Council has given initial approval to an ordinance that bans cars from being left on private property without permission.

“The ordinance is geared to cars for sale that are parked in shopping centers,” said Ray Kromer, assistant city manager. “It’s a big problem when there’s 30 to 40 vehicles being left on the weekends, making it look like a used car lot.”

The police have been unable to get rid of the cars because until now, the municipal code has not addressed the problem.


“The ordinance comes in response to citizens’ concerns,” said Mayor Laurann Cook.

In another auto-related matter, the council has delayed making a decision on whether Coastline Community College should be allowed to hold an auto exchange on its parking lot at Warner Avenue and Newhope Street.

The proposed auto exchange would allow cars for sale or trade to be parked at the Coastline property on the weekends. The permit fee charged to auto owners who use the lot would go toward educational programs at the college.

The Planning Commission rejected the auto exchange in July because of concerns about traffic and impact upon the neighborhood, and the college appealed that decision to the City Council.


The council postponed a decision on the auto exchange until Jan. 15 to give the college an opportunity to present its case to community leaders.
