
VENTURA : District to Build Swimming Pool

On the recommendation of an engineering firm, the Ventura Unified High School District will build a swimming pool to replace the pool that was closed last spring after it was discovered to be leaking up to 2,000 gallons of water a day.

Under a proposal by district staff, the new pool, estimated to cost $600,000, would be built using $500,000 in developer fees and $100,000 in “certificates of participation,” which are loans from investors. The school board, which accepted the initial financing proposal this week, will take a final vote at its next meeting, Assistant Supt. Richard Welcher said.

The proposed new regulation-size pool would be about the same size as the old pool, which was built in 1937. Officials hope to have a new school finished in time for the 1991-92 school year.


Also, George and Dorothy Graham, who graduated from the school in the 1930s, have set up a fund to collect donations from other Ventura High graduates and local residents interested in helping to pay for the new pool.
