
6th Chess Game Is Adjourned

From Associated Press

Champion Garry Kasparov and his challenger Anatoly Karpov adjourned the sixth game of the world chess title match Wednesday after 41 moves. The game continues today.

After passing the time limit for play, Kasparov wrote down and sealed his 42nd move.

The previous game ended in a draw on Monday, giving Kasparov a 3 point to 2 point lead in the 24-game series. Here are the moves of Game 6, with Kasparov playing white:

1. e4/e5; 2. Nf3/Nc6; 3. Bb5/a6; 4. Ba4/Nf6; 5. 0-0/Be7; 6. Re1/b5; 7. Bb3/d6; 8. c3/0-0; 9. h3/Nd7; 10. d4/Bf6; 11. a4/Bb7; 12. axb5/axb5; 13. Rxa8/Qxa8; 14. d5/Na5;


15. Bc2/Nc4; 16 b3/Ncb6; 17. Na3/Ba6; 18. Nh2/c6; 19. dxc6/Qxc6; 20. Bd2/Be7; 21. Ng4/Ra8; 22. Ne3/Nf6; 23. Nf5/Bf8; 24. Bg5/Nbd7; 25. c4/bxc4; 26. bxc4/Bxc4; 27. Nxc4/Qxc4; 28. Bb3/Qc3; 29. Kh2/h6; 30. Bxf6/Nxf6;

31. Re3/Qc7; 32. Rf3/Kh7; 33. Ne3/Qe7; 34. Nd5/Nxd5; 35. Bxd5/Ra7; 36. Qb3/f6; 37. Qb8/g6; 38. Rc3/h5; 39. g4/Kh6; 40. gxh5/Kxh5; 41. Rc8/Bg7; Adjourned--Kasparov move sealed.
