
High Scorer in Soccer Wins National Recognition at 7

In early September, a local soccer player gained national attention. Steven Schultz’s photo graced the pages of none other than Sports Illustrated in its “Faces in the Crowd” department.

Steven, just 7, scored seven goals in a single soccer game and led his team, the F.C. Peewees, to a 16-2 victory over the Blue Jays in the North County Soccer Park indoor championship. During the season, Steven averaged nearly five goals per game for a total of 40.

When asked what he thought about being featured in a national magazine, Steven said, “It’s OK.” He also confided he’s since scored 10 goals in one game.


Steven is the second of four children in a soccer-committed family. Sisters Jennifer, 11, and Vanessa, 4, also play in organized leagues; father Robin coaches, and mother Mary plays in three different leagues. At 18 months, Ryan is still content to kick the ball along the sidelines or nap in the car.
