
$80,000 for Homeless

Chrysalis, a nonprofit, homeless-assistance organization has benefitted by $80,000, net proceeds raised at the “Run for the Homeless” fund-raiser Oct. 13. Chrysalis has assisted thousands of homeless people to find shelter, food and employment since 1984. Its main focus is helping the homeless find employment. The event was sponsored Chrysalis, KABC-TV and the law firm of Latham & Watkins.

* Hadassah of Beverly Hills’ Advance Gifts Dinner, held Oct. 6 at the Century Plaza, honored Jessica Walter and Ron Leibman with the “Wall of Healing Award.” Winston S. Churchill III was guest speaker. The gala, an annual event, raised $585,000 for the Hadassah Medical Centers in Jerusalem, Israel. Carolyn B. Green is president of the Beverly Hills Hadassah. June Hamlin and Barbara Krasnoff were event co-chairs.

* TreePeople’s fourth annual “Evening Under the Harvest Moon” was held at the organization’s headquarters on Mulholland Drive Oct. 6. The event netted $200,000, doubling last year’s proceeds, to be used for environmental education programs. More than 100,000 schoolchildren were educated in the past year about the importance of recycling, composting and tree planting.


* Pacific Asia Museum’s 13th annual “Festival of the Autumn Moon” gala held at the museum Oct. 6, was attended by 300 guests. The dinner-dance and fine art auction benefit netted $105,000 for the museum. Gisele Beugelmans was chair.

* Early Childhood Center Foundation, an affiliate of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, netted $130,000 at the West Coast premiere of Tri-Star Pictures’ “Avalon” Oct. 3 at the Cineplex Odeon Century Plaza Cinema. ECCF provides crisis intervention and consultation programs for day-care providers, teen parents, homeless, low-income families and a free telephone consultation service for parents of children up to 6 years old and parent education groups. Diana and Barry Levinson were benefit chairs.

* Variety Children’s Charities Telethon ‘90, hosted by Monty Hall, was held Sept. 23, on KCAL-Channel 9. The telethon raised more than $1.3 million to assist handicapped and underprivileged children throughout the Southland.


* AIDS Project Los Angeles held its sixth annual AIDS Walk Los Angeles Sept. 23 and raised $2,368,374, thanks to the participation of more than 350 registered corporate walking teams and more than 15,000 walkers. Proceeds will help fund service programs provided by APLA to nearly 70% of all people diagnosed with AIDS in Los Angeles County. The amount raised this year surpassed last year’s mark by more than $500,000, making the walk the largest fund-raising event in California.

* City of Hope netted $2 million from the 17th annual Music Industry Tribute, which honored Tommy Mottola, president of CBS Records. The event was held Sept. 12 at Columbia Studios. Proceeds will establish the Thomas Mottola Research Fellowship at the medical center and its Beckman Research Institute, which conducts programs of patient care, scientific research and medical education in major diseases.

* Venice Family Clinic’s “Sweet Chair-ity” benefit held Sept. 9 at the Santa Monica Museum of Art netted $60,000. The auction was attended by 280 guests who bid on works by Gronk, Brian Murphy, Frank Romero, John Mottishaw, Rod Baer, David Hertz, Connie Mississippi, Steve Lapin and Heidi Wianecki. A silent auction was also held. Proceeds are being used for free health services to the needy.


* The Global Fund for Women has received a $25,000 grant from the Kellogg Foundation to assist the fund’s advisory committee in Mexico to seed, strengthen and link groups that are committed to women’s well-being and work for their full participation in society. The Kellogg Foundation was established in 1930 to “help people help themselves.”
