

If you want to make your voice heard, all it takes is the nerve to step out of your shower stall. The offerings for potential Pavarottis are numerous.

Choirs range from the professional, such as the Master and Pacific Chorales, to the amateur. And the music is not limited to the classical sound.

* Master Chorale 666 W. Baker St., Costa Mesa (714) 556-6262 Conductor: William Hall Consists of non-paid members and a professional core choir of 24. Audition required. No membership fee.


* Pacific Chorale 18218 McDurmott East, Suite B1, Irvine (714) 252-1234 Director: John Alexander Also consists of amateurs and a professional core group. Audition required. Auditions take place in the late spring and early fall. Only cost is for attire.

* Orange Coast Singers 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa (714) 432-5803 Conductor: Richard Raub Consists of community members, but auditions and Orange Coast College enrollment are required. Cost: $30 plus attire.

* The Saddleback Chorale 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo (714) 831-4500 Conductor: Alvin Brightbill Audition is Jan. 8, 6:30 p.m., Fine Arts Building, Room 101. Saddleback College enrollment is required. Cost: $37.50.


* Cypress College 9200 Valley View St., Cypress (714) 826-2220 Conductor: Sheridan Ball Two main ensembles: Cypress Masterworks Chorale and the Camarata. Chorale auditions every other year; Camarata every year. Enrollment is required. Cost: $12.50.

* Rancho Santiago 17th and Bristol streets, Santa Ana (714) 667-3000 Instructor: Larry Ball There are two choirs--one meets during the day, the other at night. Audition and enrollment are required. Cost: $5.

* Fullerton College 321 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton (714) 992-7296 Instructor: Gary McRoberts Master Chorale meets Mondays, 7 to 10 p.m. Enrollment (December) and audition (January) are required. Next performance: Dec. 15. Cost: $5.


* Golden West College 15744 Golden West Ave., Huntington Beach (714) 895-8306 for admission information Choral Instructor: Paul Wargo The Golden West College Singers accept community members, but enrollment and auditions (although no one is turned away) are required. Meets Thursdays, 7 to 10 p.m. Cost: $10.

* Irvine Valley College 5500 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine (714) 559-3205 Instructor: Jan Wyma The Irvine Valley Chorale consists of a chorale, chamber singers and women’s chorus. Audition is required except for women’s chorus. Now auditioning for the chorale. Enrollment is required. Rehearsal started Monday, Oct. 22, but those interested may join as late as Monday. Concert Dec. 8. Cost: $17.50.

* Coastline Community College 114 Warner Ave., Fountain Valley (714) 751-9740 Subject Specialist: Stan DeWitt Community singing chorale is offered at three different locations, two of which are primarily for senior citizens. Call number above for information. Music varies; no audition necessary. Cost: $12.

* Southern California College 55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa (714) 556-3610 Instructor: Noel Wilson A choir and a special group, the Vanguards, are available. Access is through the college records office but not limited to students. Choir requires no audition; Vanguards does. Cost for each: $274.

* St. Andrews Presbyterian Church 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach (714) 631-3821 Musical Director, Don Fontana No deadline on applications, no auditions: Those interested are interviewed. Ability to read music is helpful. Choir rehearses Thursday nights, 7:30 p.m. Major concerts this year on Thanksgiving, Dec. 9 and Christmas Eve; auditioning now.

Source: Individual choirs
