
Kasparov and Karpov Agree to a Draw in 6th Chess Game

From Associated Press

Champion Garry Kasparov and challenger Anatoly Karpov agreed to a draw Thursday in Game 6 of the world chess match.

Kasparov enters today’s scheduled seventh game with a 3 1/2-2 1/2 point lead over Karpov.

Game 6 was adjourned Wednesday night after 41 moves. Kasparov’s delegation notified the chief arbiter Thursday that he was offering a draw, and Karpov’s delegation accepted before Kasparov’s sealed last move, Re8, was put on the board.

Until Karpov, playing black, made a knight retreat on the ninth move Wednesday, the sixth game duplicated the opening sequence of the second and fourth games. In the earlier games, however, Karpov chose to develop a bishop on the ninth move.


On moves 12 and 13, Kasparov exchanged a pair of pawns and a pair of rooks. On move 14, he advanced his queen pawn, which clogged up the center of the board. With his 17th move, Kasparov launched an attack against one of Karpov’s weakened queen-side pawns.

Kasparov sacrificed one of his pawns on move 25 to get more active play for his pieces, particularly his white squared bishop. This piece was important to his attack on Karpov’s king side.
