
Countywide : Wieder Has Huge War Chest Lead

Boosted by recent contributions from development and real estate groups, engineers and a statewide public employee organization, Supervisor Harriett M. Wieder enters the homestretch in her November reelection bid with an 11-to-1 cash advantage over her challenger.

Wieder’s latest campaign finance statement, received Friday by the county registrar of voters, showed that she has raised $290,149 this year and spent $311,572.

Wieder’s opponent, Westminster Councilwoman Joy L. Neugebauer, has received $25,055 and has spent $20,788, her report indicates.


According to Wieder’s statement, she had $80,621 on hand as of Oct. 20. That is more than 11 times the amount that Neugebauer, with $7,069, reported.

The largest single contributor to Wieder’s campaign during the recent reporting period, from Oct. 1 to Oct. 20, was the Legislative Fund Committee, a statewide firefighters’ political action committee that gave $10,000.

Dallas Jones, president of the PAC, said the group traditionally gives to the supervisors’ races in Orange and Los Angeles counties, adding that the PAC represents the fire departments of those two counties.


In the race for district attorney, the appointed incumbent, Michael R. Capizzi, has out-raised his opponent, Chief Deputy Dist. Atty. James G. Enright, by a better than 3-1 margin.

Capizzi’s report made available Friday showed that he has raised $263,594, compared to Enright, whose contributions totaled $80,312.

Most of Enright’s donations--about $62,000--have been raised since the June primary, while more than half of Capizzi’s money was received before that date.
