
Apartments and Condos in Irvine to Get Recycling Bins

Recycling bins for newspaper, glass and cans will be delivered to apartments and condominiums beginning today, extending the city’s recycling program to 14,000 more residents.

Public Works Director Robert A. Graham said one or more trash containers will be replaced in the next few days with special bins, which are divided into three sections inside to help residents sort their recyclable items.

When Irvine began its recycling effort in 1987, the city provided only small bins to single-family homes. Since then, the city has designed a special program for residents of apartment and condominium complexes who normally dump their trash in large, common bins.


The white recycling containers will be emptied by a special truck that also is separated into three compartments to avoid having to sort the material later.

Apartment and condominium residents should have received a flyer attached to their doorknobs this month announcing the beginning of the recycling program. Most residents also have received washable bags to store recyclables before taking them out to the special bins, Graham said.
