
7th Chess Game Is Adjourned; Karpov Appears to Have Edge

From Associated Press

The seventh game of the world championship chess match was adjourned Friday night when challenger Anatoly Karpov wrote down his 44th move and sealed it, to be opened when play is resumed today.

Karpov appeared to have a significant advantage over champion Garry Kasparov when the game adjourned because he had an extra pawn and observers felt he was in a winning position.

Kasparov had entered Game 7 with a 3 1/2-2 1/2 point lead, but, if Karpov wins the game, the score in the match will be tied.


Kasparov could agree to concede before play is resumed.

Kasparov’s victory in the second game was worth a full point. Each player got one-half point for draws in the other games, including a draw for Game 6, which both players agreed to Thursday.

The first player to reach 12 1/2 points wins the championship. Kasparov, who dethroned Karpov in 1985, will retain his title if the match ends in a 12-12 tie.

Here are the moves of Game 7, with Karpov playing white:

1. d4/Nf6; 2. c4/g6; 3. Nc3/Bg7; 4. e4/d6; 5. Nf3/0-0; 6. Be2/e5; 7. Be3/Na6; 8. 0-0/Ng4; 9. Bg5/f6; 10. Bc1/Kh8; 11. h3/Nh6; 12. dxe5/fxe5;


13. Be3/Nf7; 14. Qd2/Nc5; 15. Ng5/Nxg5; 16. Bxg5/Bf6; 17. Be3/Ne6; 18. Bg4/h5; 19. Bxe6/Bxe6; 20. Nd5/Bh4; 21. Rac1/Kh7; 22. Rc3/Rf7; 23. b3/c6; 24. Nb4/Rd7;

25. Rcc1/Bf6; 26. f4/exf4; 27. Bxf4/Qa5; 28. Nd5/Qc5+; 29. Kh1/Bxd5; 30. cxd5/Qd4; 31. dxc6/ bxc6; 32. Rxc6/Rae8; 33. Rc4/Qxd2; 34. Bxd2/Be5; 35. Be3/Bg3; 36. Rf3/h4;

37. Bf2/Bxf2; 38. Rxf2/Rde7; 39. Rf4/g5; 40. Rf6/Rxe4; 41. Rxe4/Rxe4; 42. Rxd6/Re7; 43. Ra6/Kg7; Adjourned--Karpov sealed move 44.
