
Imperfect Fantasy

A warning and a plea.

Warning: Anyone wishing to enjoy “Fantasia” at a theater, forget it! Sitting through it is a test of nerves and endurance. Two hours of popcorn-crunching, drink-slurping, 500 independent conversations going at once, the uncontrolled laughter/crying of junkies, and totally uninterested kids yelling and using the aisles as a race course/litter box is not my idea of entertainment!

Who cares if the sound is restored to former excellence? No one is listening!

All this for $7.50 a seat plus $4 for parking at Universal Cineplex and the theater throws in a fuzzy picture with no top or sides!

Plea: Disney, because everyone has seen most of the film anyway, release this film on videotape! I will pay any price to see and hear it in the peace of my own home.


