
Rental Fee Hikes Appealed

Members of several Oxnard square dance clubs have complained to the Oxnard school board about the district’s fees for the rental of school property.

Club members told the board Wednesday that the increase in fees, designed to help the district’s flagging budget, will cause a hardship on the many senior citizens and students who attend the dances, perhaps even forcing the clubs to disband.

Fees have jumped from about $50 to $125 or $150, depending if the dance is held on a Friday or Saturday night.


“We don’t want to rob the educational fund,” said Frank Terry, president of the Starlighters square dance club. “But by the same token . . . we are a family-oriented activity.”

The board asked that the old fees be retained until the fee schedules from other school districts could be surveyed. The information will be given to the board in several weeks.
