
Rep. Rohrabacher

Yet another baby-boom congressman has been exposed as having a tarnished past (“Story Says Drug Foe Rohrabacher is Ex-User,” Oct. 19). Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Long Beach) claims that he should not be held accountable for his youthful indiscretions and that his right to privacy should protect him. The story is relevant because Rohrabacher supports legislation that would deny all Americans that same right. He has been able to overcome his past. Will it be so easy for a young person today to overcome a five-year mandatory prison sentence as a result of the exact same activity that Rohrabacher claims is so harmless? Get caught and go to prison; get away with it and go to Congress.

By the way, I’m in favor of abolishing the National Endowment for the Arts. Unlike Rohrabacher, I value consistency. The federal government should consistently leave the American people in peace with pocketbooks intact.


