
Readers Are Hot and Cold on ‘Hot Property’

In answer to Jimmy Terry “Tired of Column” (Letters, Oct. 14):

There are many people who enjoy “star gazing,” and find it interesting and exciting to know where the stars live and how much they can pay for their homes. These people also watch TV shows such as “Life Styles of the Rich and Famous.” Celebrity watching is a big business and helps support some of the middle class you are so concerned about.

I would not begrudge these fans their pleasure any more than I would ask those who make more money than I do to not spend it.

I wonder if your attitude would change were it you who could afford the “Hyper-Glamorous” life style of the rich.


No, you are not the only person who does not enjoy reading the “Hot Property” column. I too find it boring. My solution? I don’t read it.

P.S. I love the Real Estate section of the L.A. Times. Keep up the good work folks.


Hacienda Heights
