
Room Services

Complaints of the senior executives (“Dealing With Rooms That Are Faulty by Design,” Savvy Traveler, Sept. 30) are well-founded, but the blame is sadly misdirected.

Independent now but for six years a designer for the Hilton Hotels corporation, I can attest that we were restricted in the arenas in which we could make decisions. Before we were brought onto a job, the blueprints were completed with all electrical outlets and switches already put in place. Continually, members of our studio made suggestions to add switches, etc., and were usually told that it would be too costly.

My suggestion to solve these problems would be to bring the interior designers, hotel executives, budgeters, architects and contractors together at the inception of a project and together determine the needs of the guest. Let there be a mixture of women as well as men making these decisions, and then allocate a proper budget reflecting the needs of the guest.


