
Book Controversy Increases Demand

The expected happened. The “controversy” over hate books being sold at city sponsored cultural fairs resulted in an increased demand for the books. (Times, Oct. 21).

Booksellers need to know that they can offer “Warrant for Genocide” instead. It contains the “protocols,” but in the context of exposing the myth of the Jewish world-conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The book was written in 1966 by Norman Cohn, a professor in the study of behavioral sciences at British universities. He traces the history of these forgeries. They first appeared after the French Revolution by those who opposed it, and were based on tales from medieval Christendom that “Jews had formed a demonic conspiracy in the service of Satan and Antichrist.”


Dr. Cohn documents how these hate lies became the “warrant to genocide,” the foundation for Russian pogroms against Jews, Hitler’s “Final Solution” and today’s continued anti-Semitism.

Like all lies, they seek to hide truths and justify anti-social behavior.


Pacific Palisades

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