
Rent Control Law to Be Reviewed

Mobile home owners in unincorporated areas of Ventura County could expect annual rent increases on their spaces to stay at the current 5% ceiling under a proposed new rent control ordinance.

The current ordinance expires Dec. 15, and on Tuesday the County Board of Supervisors will consider a replacement. Except for minor changes, the proposed ordinance is virtually the same as the old one.

The supervisors have been bombarded with letters from mobile home owners, mostly elderly residents, urging them to continue rent control because they cannot afford high rent increases.


The rent control ordinance was adopted in 1981. It applies to 24 mobile home parks scattered throughout the unincorporated area, with spaces totaling 1,555. The average space rental is $185 a month.

Last December the supervisors changed the ordinance to include a provision that allows park owners to raise space rent as much as they want when a home changes hands.
