
SAN CLEMENTE : Magazine Is Taboo Because of Bikinis

Surfing Magazine thought it would be totally awesome. Mellow out the U.S. troops in Saudia Arabia by sending them 1,000 copies of their publication.

But the dudes in the Department of Defense in Washington said no thanks, because the magazine has photos of young women in bikinis.

“We think it was a good idea anyway,” Bob Mignogna, publisher of the San Clemente-based magazine, said Sunday. “There are thousands of surfers in the military over there. In fact, we’ve got subscriptions all over the world going to people who’re in the military.”


Mignogna said that about two weeks ago, Surfing thought it might cheer the desert-bound U.S. troops to see photos of waves and surfers. So the magazine tried to get the military to ship copies to Saudi Arabia. The Defense Department balked because of the bikini photos.
