
CRISIS IN THE PERSIAN GULF : GULF WATCH: Day 88 : A daily briefing paper on developments in the crisis : Military Front:

With American fighter planes screeching overhead, U.S. Marines swung from helicopters to the deck of an Iraqi ship and forced it to halt. The aerial assault represented a major escalation in the use of force to carry out U.N. sanctions.

Political Front:

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein scrapped gasoline rationing and fired his oil minister, Baghdad Radio reported. Rationing, the report said, had been introduced “on the basis of erroneous information.”

In the United States, a statement released Sunday and signed by 81 House Democrats strongly opposed any offensive military action to force Iraq out of Kuwait. The move was organized by California Rep. Ronald V. Dellums (D-Berkeley). Six of those who signed are to be added to a congressional body set up to monitor the gulf situation during Congress’ recess.


Diplomatic Front:

European Community leaders agreed not to send representatives of individual countries to Iraq to negotiate the release of their hostages but to urge the United Nations to send a special envoy.

Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev arrived in Paris for two days of talks with French President Francois Mitterrand. Gulf issues were likely to dominate the talks.

Noncombat Deaths in Operation Desert Shield:

* Army: 2

* Navy: 1

* Air Force: 20

* Marines: 8

* Total: 31
