
Political Power of Senior Citizens

Think about it! Social Security was created to make absolutely sure that the United States would never again go through a Depression and never again would allow the top 10% to control all the wealth--after all, how much money can 10% of the population spend? How many yachts can they buy?

The formula devised by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was and is very simple; the millions of men and women drawing that Social Security check every month was the key.

The majority of the Social Security recipients must spend every penny of that check to buy the necessities of life, such as food, clothing, shelter, medicine, etc. There are enough of us to keep enough money in circulation to continue to keep those still in the labor market working. They continue to work in order to supply the basic necessities, thus adding to their paycheck and to the cash flow. We have gone through recessions but no depressions since Social Security was enacted.


Wake up, President Bush and Congress! The way to create jobs is to give a break to those who create the cash flow, which in turn creates jobs! Not to the top 10% who invest their ill-gotten gains to employ cheap labor in foreign countries!

NATE DiBIASI, Temecula
