
VENTURA COUNTY PERSPECTIVE : We Say Yes to Transit Measure A

Ventura County is a special place without the nightmarish traffic problems that plague its more urban neighbor. But the growing traffic congestion on the Simi Valley Freeway and in other trouble spots is hard on commuters, and harder on air quality. Measure A--a modest half-cent increase in the county sales tax--would finance wider highways and roads, additional buses, commuter rail service and other transit improvements.

The local transit tax would raise $500 million over the next 20 years. Sixty percent of that money would be used to improve freeways, state highways and major streets that connect cities within the county.

The remaining 40% would be used by those cities to improve local streets and public transit systems. Every penny is needed to keep pace with limited growth.


With Measure A funds, major projects could be built in a reasonable amount of time. It would allow critical work on the Simi Valley and Moorpark freeways to start within two years. If the county has to wait for state funds, those projects could take up to 22 years to complete.

Measure A would also allow the county to claim a more fair share of state gas-tax revenues. It would provide the local matching funds needed to claim a larger share of those discretionary gas-tax funds, which add up to an additional $130 million over the next 20 years.

The half-cent hike would also provide funds to help operate a commuter-rail service linking Moorpark and Simi Valley to the San Fernando Valley and Union Station near downtown Los Angeles. Measure A would provide the missing link, another good way to get drivers out of their cars.


Measure A will pay for better transit services for the handicapped and elderly, more bike trails, park-and-ride lots and other improvements to reduce traffic congestion and relieve air pollution. We recommend a yes vote--before traffic comes to a standstill in Ventura County.
