
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Skateboard Rules Weighed by City

After hearing complaints that skateboarders are terrorizing people downtown, the City Council is considering whether to seek controls over skateboard use.

Councilman John Erskine said he favors passing an ordinance restricting skateboarding on the narrow, crowded sidewalks of the downtown area.

“The skateboarders I’ve seen make my generation look like angels,” Erskine said. “They’re the kind that if you sat down they’d be banking off the top of your shoulders. I’d like to support an ordinance on this, and it’s something I’d like to do before leaving office.”


Erskine, who is not seeking reelection, will leave office in late November.

The City Council on Tuesday night heard complaints from downtown merchants who said police do not adequately control the skateboarders.

Other council members and Police Chief Ronald E. Lowenberg generally agreed with Erskine’s suggestion that some city action is necessary. “It’s getting to be a real problem,” Erskine said.
