
Gallegly Comes Through

I want to share an experience I had with the Veterans Administration and the immediate assistance I received from my congressman, Elton Gallegly.

My father, Lawrence Tanzola, was killed in Europe in 1945. On a trip years ago to Holy Cross Cemetery in Harrison, N.J., I discovered that my father, although given a military funeral, had never received the bronze marker supplied by the government and he was in an unmarked grave. I called the VA, I wrote the VA, I wrote my congressman--not Elton Gallegly--at the time. Nothing happened, so I gave up.

Subsequently, I had occasion to meet Elton Gallegly and I mentioned this to him. He was upset that my father was in an unmarked grave. He asked me to send him all the pertinent information. Within two weeks I was phoned by the VA in Washington and told my father’s bronze marker was being sent to Holy Cross Cemetery that week. They apologized profusely.


Elton Gallegly is a congressman who gets things done.

