
William French Smith Rites Set for Friday

A funeral service for former U.S. Atty. Gen. William French Smith, who died Monday at the Kenneth Norris Jr. Cancer Hospital at County-USC Medical Center, will be held Friday at 11 a.m. at the Community Church of San Marino.

Smith, a UCLA and Harvard Law School graduate and a senior partner of the Gibson Dunn & Crutcher law firm, was 73. He was a longtime supporter of former President Ronald Reagan, who named him attorney general in 1981.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Nov. 1, 1990 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday November 1, 1990 Home Edition Part A Page 3 Column 5 Metro Desk 1 inches; 24 words Type of Material: Correction; Wire
Norris Hospital--The Kenneth Norris Jr. Cancer Hospital is at the University of Southern California, not County-USC Medical Center as reported in Wednesday’s Times.

In lieu of flowers, the family is asking that contributions be made to the William French Smith Memorial Fund at the hospital.
