
A Nifty ‘50s Revival for Trauma Society Benefit

Retro Romp

With poodle skirts and pigtails, letter sweaters and slicked-back hair, the ‘50s bopped back to life on Saturday in the ballroom of the Anaheim Marriott hotel. Three hundred guests attended the Orange County Trauma Society’s $150-per-person benefit--joining in silent and live auction bidding, dining on greasy kid stuff and rockin’ the night away.

In Style

The invitations proclaimed a ‘50s and ‘60s theme, but one look around the party told the story. Decorations included a juke box, a malt shop and a ’58 ‘Vette. (Not a lava lamp, a health-food restaurant and a battered VW van.) Buffet offerings were quintessential diner fare: sliders and hoagies, hot dogs and pizza, sundaes and malts.


Peggy Goldwater Clay and her husband, Bob Clay, wore their sons’ Corona del Mar High letter jackets. (Clever Peggy--who with Virginia Knott Bender was honored for her work with the Trauma Society’s support group--modified the jackets’ arm numbers to read 66 and 68 instead of 86 and 88.) Diane Adams and Val Oliver wore matching felt poodle skirts, bobby socks and saddle shoes. Gary Wein and Stuart Macginnis rolled up their jeans to show off their white socks and penny loafers. Jordan Morgenstern donned a T-shirt, tight jeans, Converse sneakers and wrap-around shades. Carol Schneider sported the black yell-leader outfit she wore on the squad at Tustin High in 1956. “Do you have to put the year down?” Schneider asked. “I must have only been 3 (years old) when I was in high school!”

Au Naturel

Greg Bell, a running back for the Raiders, and his wife, Sophia, were among the very few uncostumed guests. The Bells chose smartly cut suits instead of ‘50s garb because, as Greg said, “I wasn’t even thought about in the ‘50s!” Sixties babies Greg and Sophia happily chatted about their own baby--daughter Rami was born almost two years ago--and mingled with the benefit crowd.


On the Record

The Orange County Trauma Society, founded 10 years ago by Dr. John West, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention of accidental injuries and deaths. It is involved in a variety of educational programs, among them child passenger safety, drowning prevention, anti- drinking-and-driving campaigns and medical education seminars. The Saturday benefit raised about $90,000, which will go toward the group’s work.
