
Good Samaritan Buried by Tons of Steaming Asphalt After Crash

<i> Associated Press</i>

A businessman helping an out-of-towner with a stalled car was killed when a runaway dump truck crashed into a parking lot, struck the car and covered him in tons of steaming asphalt.

Truck driver Terry Conner, 42, told police that he was approaching a busy intersection Monday when an indicator showed a loss of brake pressure.

“His only option was to run into the traffic at the light or turn off into the parking lot,” Police Officer Steve Tinder said. The truck crashed into a bank parking lot, striking three cars before dumping the asphalt and tipping over.


The asphalt engulfed Charles H. Sprankle, 71, general manager of a property management company.

Sprankle was trying to help Miles Schlapik of Miami start a rented Cadillac when the accident occurred.

“He was trying to get my hood up to help,” Schlapik said. “I shook his hand and told him he was a fine person.”


Schlapik went across the street to a gasoline station to get a mechanic. Sprankle waited. When Schlapik returned, Sprankle was under more than three feet of asphalt.
