
Rohrabacher Should Wise Up and ‘Confess’

Joseph N. Bell’s article “Rohrabacher’s Sin: Self-Righteousness” (View, Oct. 26) really said it all!

I agree that Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s hypocritical attitudes are difficult--if not impossible--to digest and would like to add that this very duplicity is what makes many people distrust some (if not all) politicians so intensely.

Why a “respected” public figure would think that he could successfully hide some aspect of his past in this day and age of public access to most information is questionable. One would hope that he doesn’t make other such poor decisions and have to believe that he does.


Come on, Mr. Rohrabacher, let’s hear you give an honest “confession”--perhaps even an embellished apology--and then go forward on a more honest footing.


Dana Point
