
Gillespie Judgeship

It was insulting, to say the least, to learn that our governor is apparently embarking on rewarding loyalty with a judgeship for Roxani Gillespie at the end of his term (“Prospect of Gillespie Judgeship Stirs Fight,” Part A, Nov. 15). It wasn’t enough that she was appointed as the insurance commissioner in the first place, but now we probably will be forced to continue to endure her ineptness.

Gillespie’s demonstrated inability to enforce the law over an extended period clearly suggests that this lack of performance could only be anticipated on the bench. At times she appeared to be totally lost in the performance of her job.

The citizens of California deserved better than Gillespie as the insurance commissioner and most assuredly now as a Superior Court judge. As the insurance commissioner, we insured had little relief to none as evidenced in the Prop. 103 debacle, which I lay directly at her doorstep. Her decision not to run for office may well have been orchestrated by the governor. After all, why suffer an expensive and humiliating defeat when a choice plum would be just handed to you?



