
Restaurants Are a Favor

In regard to development of the corner of Laurel Canyon Boulevard and Ventura Boulevard in Studio City, Polly Ward, claiming she represents homeowners in the area, is protesting the issuance of liquor licenses to three restaurants planned for the shopping center.

I am a homeowner just a few blocks away. I believe the developer, Ira Smedra, is doing us a favor by bringing three upscale restaurants, with liquor licenses, to the area.

I would like to go on record as a homeowner who approves of this kind of growth and welcomes the presence of new businesses in my neighborhood, especially food establishments that have proven successful in other parts of the city, as Kaktus, the Daily Grill and Louise’s Trattoria have.


Polly Ward does not speak for me or any of the residents of this area that I know of.

Her arguments against these liquor licenses make no sense. There are indeed other establishments that already serve liquor in the neighborhood (30 by her count).

So what?

Studio City is not exactly characterized by drunks roaming the streets in search of alcohol. This is an adult community. Its residents are quite capable of monitoring their own alcoholic intake. We do not need a headmistress taking care of us.

Unfortunately, the people who agree with me comprise a silent majority. For now, you have only my own strong objection to one self-anointed spokesperson pretending she speaks for the residents of Studio City. She does not.


