
COUNTYWIDE : Hospital Reservists Called Up for Duty

An Army Reserve hospital unit of 530 doctors, nurses and other medical specialists, whose headquarters is in Ventura, will report for 180 days of active duty today, officials said.

Members of the unit had 24 to 72 hours to report for duty. “We give consideration depending on where they live,” said Army spokeswoman Rena Davies.

“Some could live two states away,” she added.

The unit, the 6252nd Army Hospital, operates out of Reserve armories in Ventura, Irvine, San Bernardino and Las Vegas.


When members of the sections arrive at their armory, they will be sent to Ft. Ord in Monterey County, probably beginning Sunday.

There was no information on how many in the unit are from Ventura County.

The unit is designed to operate in a fixed facility, not in a combat zone.

Davies said there was no information on where the unit will be sent.

“They will be sent stateside or overseas to a fixed facility. We do not know if they will be sent to Saudi Arabia,” she said.
