
Controversial Abortion Pill

I read your editorial in opposition to the import ban of RU-486 (“The Effect Is to Deny Medical Science a Tool,” Dec. 3). And I applaud your voice in this area.

In mid-November, I testified before Rep. Ron Wyden’s (D-Ore.) subcommittee investigating this matter. I represented the National Cushing’s Assn. (NCA). Cushing’s Syndrome is a rare, endocrine disorder, affecting primarily women, in which the body produces massive amounts of cortisol resulting in disfiguring systemic difficulties. Limited studies at National Institutes of Health with RU-486 have shown great promise in treating this disease. The problem is the import alert. This alert allows the Food and Drug Administration to limit access to the drug, and it also allows the French manufacturer to play games with its distribution choices--even for legitimate research. We don’t know how many Cushing’s patients could be helped by this drug, and the import alert guarantees that it will stay that way. NIH studies have been halted because of uncertainty about availability of the drug.

We believe that the agenda of politics should never affect the progress of science, and we plan to carry that message forward.


ANDREA P. HECHT, President

National Cushing’s Assn.

Sherman Oaks
