
FICTION TALKING GOD by Tony Hillerman (Harper:...

FICTION TALKING GOD by Tony Hillerman (Harper: $5.95). Author melds the myths and mystery of the Southwest in a tale featuring two Native American peace officers. ANNA L.M.N.O. by Sarah Glassock (Washington Square: $7.95). Multiple divorces of a West Texas hairdresser (hence the acronym) have left her with a very complicated life. THE QUALITY OF MERCY by Faye Kellerman (Fawcett Crest: $4.95). A Jewish woman posing as a Protestant also disguises herself as a man and winds up in a duel with William Shakespeare. NORTH DALLAS AFTER FORTY: A Sequel by Peter Gent (Signet: $5.95). It’s fourth down for many of the characters from “North Dallas Forty” and they are scrimmaging for life after football.

NONFICTION HEAD FIRST: The Biology of Hope and the Healing Power of the Human Spirit by Norman Cousins (Penguin: $9.95). Cousins pioneered the field of psychoneuroimmunology--the study of the brain, the endocrine system and the immune system. THE BISHOP’S BOYS: A Life of Wilbur and Orville Wright by Tom Crouch (Norton: $14.95). Self-taught engineers were encouraged by their father to be thorough, precise, determined and dialectical. The B-1 bomber is one outcome. EVERY DAY GETS A LITTLE CLOSER: A Twice-Told Therapy by Irvin D.Yalom, MD and Ginny Elkin (Basic Books: $10.95). Yalom challenged one of his patients suffering from writer’s block to keep a journal of their sessions; this is the result. GRUMBLES FROM THE GRAVE by Robert A. Heinlein, edited by Virginia Heinlein (Del Rey: $5.95). Sci-fi writer’s final wish is honored: to publish over 40 years of correspondence, chiefly to his agent about his craft.
