
A List That Matters

I really enjoyed Robert Hilburn’s article, but I felt that I had to set the record straight about his comments on Living Colour.

Besides the fact that they should have been listed in the top five, I disagreed with his suggestion that Vernon Reid is the only saving element of the band. Although I agree that Reid’s songwriting and musicianship is excellent, it is only the combination of this with the other three elements of Living Colour that makes them one of the best of the new groups.

When he quoted some “sample lines” of Vernon Reid’s songwriting, he was actually quoting drummer William Calhoun’s song, “Pride,” which shows his strong songwriting skills. I must add, as a drummer myself, that William Calhoun is one of the most talented of the new drummers. Also, the exceptional bass playing of Muzz Skillings is an indispensable part of the band and can’t be ignored.



Santa Barbara
