
The Gospel of CLeaR-TV

NBC earns our kudos for turning its back on the strident voices of CLeaR and others purporting to speak for “most Americans” in defense of so-called “Christian values” and the so-called “Christian family.” We here are fed up with being told what to read, how to think and whom to love.

NBC--as does The Times frequently--sanctimoniously assumes the mantle of a battered, lonely guardian of liberty, then lays blame for radical-right mischief on the victims. If NBC expects those who disagree with Rev. Wildmon to pressure the advertisers who cave in, it should publish lists of such advertisers, so that we may boycott them for being chicken in defense of freedom of expression. The media cut their own throat by shielding their cowardly economic benefactors from exposure to criticism.

Advertisers and the media would benefit from an effective counterattack on zealous intolerance.



