
* Cecil Effinger; Composer, Inventor of Music Typewriter

Cecil Effinger, 76, a composer of choral music and University of Colorado music professor who invented a device used to print music. Effinger was best known for his composition “Four Pastorales,” for choir and oboe, which was published in 1962. In all, he wrote four operas, six quartets, 18 band compositions, 36 orchestral compositions, 44 chamber works and 50 choir compositions. He invented the Musicwriter, a typewriter for music patented in 1954. It was the predecessor of the electronic processes used to print music. In 1969, he invented the tempo watch, which helps musicians determine tempo. He also invented an open-ended typewriter in 1974 that is used largely for engineer drawings. In Boulder, Colo., on Saturday of heart failure.
