
Dealing With Sociopolitical World Changes

I refer to the special report “Seeking a New World” by Robin Wright and Doyle McManus:

The researched and thoughtful analyses about shifting realities in global power, in reference to geopolitics, societies, economies, religion, war and peace need serious attention by the world public, their leaders and world institutions.

Special thanks for bringing to the attention of your readers the volatile and critical situation in and around Indian-occupied Kashmir. I feel it necessary to clarify some basic facts about the Kashmir situation. The Kashmir situation is not a border dispute. Kashmiris have been repeatedly promised, pledged and guaranteed the right to choose their own future status in a plebiscite. These promises, pledges and guarantees were given by India, Pakistan, the world community and the United Nations.

More than 100 resolutions are still pending before the United Nations on Kashmir. All these unimplemented resolutions reinforce a basic right--the right of self-determination. India has hesitated and resisted implementing these U.N. resolutions. India instead is maintaining an illegal and brutal occupation of Kashmir.


The world community has been a silent spectator to India’s crimes against Kashmiris for the last 43 years, particularly the last 12 months.


Kashmiri American Council

Diamond Bar
