
NEWPORT BEACH : Joggers Confronted by Potbelly Flasher

Police warned the public Friday to look out for a man who has been exposing himself to women walking or jogging alone in the Eastbluff and Back Bay areas of the city.

The man, 25 to 30 years old, has been dubbed the Potbelly Flasher because of his protruding stomach, police said. The suspect has not touched any of his victims, but girls and women 12 to 40 years old have been terrified by his actions.

Lt. Tim Newman said the same man has apparently committed six flashings beginning in October, from 2 to 7 p.m. The most recent incident was Monday.


“In some cases, the suspect runs alongside of the victims and exposes himself,” Newman said. “In others, he approaches them from brush along the road.”

The suspect was described as about 5 feet, 9 inches and 170 to 200 pounds, with dirty blond hair cut short but protruding slightly over the ears. He has a “protruding and extremely white stomach,” police said. The flasher sometimes has worn sunglasses.

Police Detective Ed Walsh is seeking information at (714) 644-3773.
