
Dodgers Just Need to Get Rid of a Few Minor Bugs in Farm System

Now that corporate raiders Peter O’Malley and Fred Claire have gone on a shopping spree and outfitted their team with top-of-the-line, imported merchandise, the Dodgers should sell off their minor league franchises.

Why pay for production they’ll never use anyway? Since Dodger management has little confidence in their own product, and since their marketing plan is to go outside and raid competition, they should take money from the close-out sale and invest it in CDs. Then late next year, when 1992 models are introduced, Claire can take his fat checkbook and again buy the latest in pitchers, outfielders, etc.

Perhaps Claire should consider moving unused merchandise such as Chris Gwynn and Jose Gonzalez, who are just gathering dust while taking up valuable shelf space. Just mark them down and ship them off to a more receptive market.


In a few months, when the Dodgers assemble their new, improved line at the spring show, Operations Manager Tom Lasorda should issue name tags so new employees can interface with the old.

Instead of “Go Dodger Blue,” the new motto could be, “Free Agents R Us” or “Why Develop When We Can Buy?”


Los Angeles
