
Positive Stories of Compton Lacking

The city of Compton receives high priority from the press on negative and superficial issues. However, it’s very disturbing as a subscriber to the L.A. Times that you fail to print meaningful activities that are taking place in the community and certainly are of interest to its citizenry.

The city has been vigorously working toward its renaissance, but there is clearly a lack of information reflecting these positive steps in your paper. Scrutiny is welcome, but fairness should not have to be insisted. For example, in July, 1990, the city had its grand opening for the Compton Transit Center in conjunction with the Metro Light Rail, and coverage for the multimillion-dollar inter-modal project was absent while thunder was present for the light rail coverage. On Nov. 19, K mart opened its doors in the Compton Renaissance Plaza and has broken sales records since its opening. Once again, no press coverage.

It is baffling that coverage is available for other communities for those types of success stories but appears unavailable for Compton. Is that responsible journalism or does the L.A. Times subscribe to facilitating the repressive state of thought by others by under-representing the activities and achievements of this growing community? Your subscribers are entitled to that information.




Caldwell is city manager of Compton.
